10 February 2011
hi, As u said that when we go on leave for long period then sunday is considered as leave. However Illustrative cases of computation of leave for 3 years of aticleship training as per annexture II of training guide as under Case I Days A.Total number of days served (365×3) 1095 ((other than weekly holidays) B. Less: Total leave taken 188 C. Actual Period served 907 D. Entitlement of leave (1/6th of the actual. Here is specifically mention that other than weekly holidays. So it can be construed as sunday is not considered as leave while we are in leave period served) (907/6) 151 EXCESS LEAVE: (B - D) 37
10 February 2011
Here is specifically mention that other than weekly holidays. So it can be construed as sunday is not considered as leave while we are in leave
10 February 2011
dear sachin please update your knowledge(◕‿◕)
all men require at least 1 day break in a week to maintain work efficacy. sunday is normally allowed as such day & thus considered a working day for payment purpose.
but wen u r already on leave, the intervening sundays will also be considered leave (for pay purpose)...
This rule is universal for employees & such. ***
i think nw u cn undrstnd d diff.... & able to calculate ur leave accordingly...