08 December 2007
Is it good to join big firms/ or small firms?i know the +'s and _'s of both.keeping in mind the study schedule,will any medium sized firm fit for doing articleship? big firms though add a lot to our C.V.? pls advice.I'm confused!!
08 December 2007
Congratulations. I request you to schedule three things at a time:
1. If you are in College - its timings or correspondence course from IGNOU
2. If you want to join classes - finalise them
3. Articleship Firm - You will have November 2009 attempt and accordingly will have to plan with Sir about the same.
All these points if not taken care of then good people become bad and hence our definition changes.
Plan first and then take the next step.
You will get good exposure anywhere as there is another criteria and i.e. CA Firms still give priority to PE II Students. This will continue till July 2008.