articel leave calculation

This query is : Resolved 

07 December 2008 Hi, one of my friend is suffering from problem with study leave calculation. he has joined the article in first principle from 01.09.06 and terminate on 03.09.07 ( In this on Form 109 mentioned 11 days leave) and in second principle from 10.09.07 to till date.In second principle he has taken the study leave for final exam 3-1/2 months for nov '08.Now he wants to know the what is the study leave in his hand in future for study ?, Is the rule is 1/6 or 1/7 of total actual period ( Including of holiday & sunday or not)?,What is exact total leave applicable (135 or 156 days in case of pe-2 student)? pls guide me with through calculation with the support of institute rules. thanks

09 January 2009 Old Course it was 138 days in total. Let him take any leave period as per the Principal. If it exceeds 138 days there will be extension. In case Principal mutually allows to work some other days then he will be given credit.

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