Applicability on Services Provided Outside India

This query is : Resolved 

31 July 2007 A Ship Management Agent (Which is a Indian Co) provides ship management services to a ship (Which is also owned by Indian owners) which is sailing outside Indian terittorial water for a particular period. Whether the services provided during this period will be treated as taxable services (The question is not from the angle of export of services but whether services provided are taxable at all?)

06 August 2007 Dear Sir

The term ship management service is not adequately expressing real nature of the transaction.

Yet Management Consultants Services (as per Section 65 (65) of Finance Act 1994 covers all services relating to financial management, hr management, marketing/prodn/logistics/procurement/IT resources management or procurement of IT resources or similar other services.

In addition Business Auxiliary and Business Support Services too have wider definition.

Hope you would have identified in the above list/s your service too. If not with better words write your question again.

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