1) As far as i know, xbrl is not applicable for NBFC company even though its paid up capital is above 5 crore or it is listed company.
Please clarify that am i right or not ?
2) one of our group listed company which is NBFC also has filed previous year balance sheet in xbrl because now it came to know that it was not mandatory. so can we file this year in normal filling or not ?
One more thing that, as per last notification for xbrl filing it was mentioned that the company who filled previous year in xbrl shall also file xbrl.
other criteria of capital, turnover or listed is not applicable to our company but mistakly last two year we filled in xbrl forms so we are falling in above mentioned point...so now is it mandatory to our company to continue with xbrl or not ?
09 November 2013
Is there any circular issued by the MCA for this matter including what you said that the company also have to file XBRL who filed previous year in XBRL. Also pls send me that circular if you have on info@ajsandassociates.in