Applicability of companies act 2013

This query is : Resolved 

11 November 2013 is new companies act aplicable for may 2014 ipcc examination

11 November 2013

11 November 2013 it is expected to the made applicable. However, no notification from ICAI yet. So kindly wait till the time any notification is made in this respect.

In the time being focus on other subjects.

11 November 2013 Hi

It may be very much possibility that new Companies Act, 2013 will apply for your May 2014 attempt.

The reason is that most of the section of old Companies Act, 1956 has been abolished which has been given in your study module.

One think I want to also clarified that the new module of Corporate law will also issued by Institute in near future.

So be ready to study of new Companies Act, 2013.

The only formalities is waiting of Notification in this regards.

12 November 2013 wait for exams to get over soon icai will come out with detail notification onit.

12 November 2013 not applicable

12 November 2013 Mr Kasat, is this as per any decision taken by ICAI?

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