25 April 2011
we have to file appeal against TDS order received. What amount of fee is required to be paid and under which challan?
I gone through with the income tax site and came to know that Rs. 500 is required to be paid. I also checked at google there i came to know that Rs. 250 is required to be paid.
26 April 2011
1. Challan ITNS 280 may be used. 2. Filling procedure is given hereunder:- Please note that to deposit Appeal Fees either Major Head 020 or 021 (depending upon the tax payer’s status) has to be ticked under ‘Tax Applicable’. Followed by this; Minor Head: Self Assessment Tax (300) has to be ticked under ‘Type of Payment’ and the amount is to filled under Others in ‘Details of Payments’ 3. Appeal fee is Rs.250/-as per section 249(1)(iv) of the Income tax Act,1961.