Annual return

This query is : Resolved 

24 April 2010 I filed Form 20B, 23AC & 23ACA. In what manner, these form will upload on annual return link at MCA site??

24 April 2010 I can't get your question.

These Form are required to be uploaded from the MCA Portal.

You can create an account at MCA it's free.

These Form are available at the MCA Portal

In case any diff pl revert


24 April 2010 You have to go to MCA website, after that create an account as a registered user, after creation of the same, login with your user name and password in the MCA website and click MCA e21 services link and get login.
After login click the link Anuual Filing. In that you can upload the Annual Filing forms like 23ac, aca and 20B.

Once you upload the file a challan will come that depends on the mode of payment that you will select at the time of upload.

If you have selected the mode of payment as credit card at the time of uploading you will get a payment action page where you have to fill the credit card details. once yopu complete the payment details. A challan copy will come save the same in your desktop.

If you have selected teh mode of payment as challan then challan will come after uploading, therafter you fill the same and submit the same with bank like PNB and get it acknowledged

Hope your query is cleared. If you have anymore queries , please inform me.

CS Jithesh

27 April 2010 Jithesh Sir, is it necessary that i upload first form 23ac, then 23aca and in last form 20B??? when i try to upload these forms, a Massage was display "THIS FORM IS NOT YET PRESCURITIZED"... how wil this error removed???

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27 April 2010 The error message can be removed by Clicking on the Prescrutiny button after the form fill up and save that form then after.

Now, The error message will not appear.

There is no such order for filling the form. File the form as u wish

28 April 2010 Once you click this prescrutiny button then a message should come as no prescrutiny errors. Once it is come you save te file. After that you can upload the same. Whereas the order of Forms are contained is First you have to file form 23B , which I think you would have already filed. After that you file form 23ac then automatically it will ask for uploading form 23aca. After that uploading you can file Form 20B.


CS Jithesh

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