Allowed to appear in competitive exams?

This query is : Resolved 


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
01 August 2013 Dear Sir/Madam,
Is it allowed during the continuation of Articleship Training to appear in the competitive exams for recruitment in any government jobs like bank employees recruitment exams, tax officer's exam, etc. which DOES NOT involve attending any classes, etc. for training and subsequent recruitment?
Your reply will be highly appreciated.
Thanking you in advance.

02 August 2013 There is no restriction on appearing in such exams.But even if you clear it,you can't take up a job until your articleship duration continues.Futher,leave taken will be out of permitted leaves

03 August 2013 You may take leave and write exams,,but why you need of other exams as our course it self very vast to cover full syllabus

however you can attend ...and it is considered as leave

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