I have a question. Notice for AGM was issued to shareholders say it is is fixed on 15th September 2010, in between can it be can celled or deferred? In such situation, what is the provision of Company's Act? Please help.
If you have already send Notice for calling AGM scheduled to be held on September 15, 2010 during which if you have made necessary changes in Notice. It is required to issue revised Notice to all shareholders and fix other date of AGM.
06 September 2010
Who will issue notice of cancellation? On what strength unless there is another board meeting in which resolution to be passed on for cancellation or adjournment, can anybody communicate? What will be the proper provision? there may be a view to convey the AGM on that date and to announce the deferment in that meeting. What i am telling is hypothetical i want to what company's act suggest in such situation?
08 September 2010
The notice of cancellation can be issued by the CS or Director authorised in this regard. The decision can be taken by the Board of Directors either at a Board Meeting or circular resolution. Immediately a notice in newspapers should be given for the change in date of AGM and a notice should be sent to the shareholders at their address.