I am a salaried employee & had been getting my TDS deducted at lower amount than the required amount as per my taxable projections.
Anticipating the shortfall in TDS deducted I wrongly paid advance tax in hurry, whereas my employer also deducted TDS of equal value.
Now, I want my employer to reverse deducted before he deposits the same with Tax authorities, on the basis of showing him the advance tax payment challan.
But my employer's accounts department is not agreeing, though rightly, & wanting me to show some basis to adjust the said advance tax & waive off the balance TDS deduction..
Pls advise how can I save myself from additional TDS & from claiming refund later on due to double taxation.
30 July 2014
in all probability your employer wont agree because if he deducts lower tax, he will get a short deduction notice from income-tax department