Advance Addjustment

This query is : Resolved 

23 August 2008 Plese Help i am working in Sarva shiksha abhiyan as Asst accountant
my query is hear advance amount will be taken for organising workshops
meetings etc its ok i am taking in cash book as adv in the name of who
will take adv on date when they will take adv again after 10 days they
will give the details of adv taken then they tell strike out name how
shuld i must enter in the cash book and in journal what head i must debit on adv
taken and when they will give details plz help give detail entery
as example

23 August 2008 p

24 August 2008 Whenever you give advance, pass the following entry:

Advance(Workshop) A/c Dr. xxx
To Cash/Petty Cash a/c xxx

When they give the details and supportings for the advance taken pass the following entry:

Concerned Expenses A/c Dr xxx
To Advance (Workshop) A/c xxx

24 August 2008 Or you may pass entry only after the concerned employee gives you the details.

24 August 2008 But you have to be careful that u have not violated the provisions of Section 40A(3)

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