I will answer your query with the help of an example
If Mr X is a client (customer)of your firm,and he has to pay you Rs.11030(Rs.10000 as Audit Fees,Rs.1000 as Service Tax,Rs.20 as Education cess & Rs.10 as SHH cess).Then the Accounting Entry will be as follows:
Mr X A/c Dr 11030 To Audit Fees 10000 To Service Tax payable 1000 To Edu Cess Payable 20 To SHH Cess Payable 10
Note:In Tally, Mr.X under "A/c's Receivable Head,Audit Fees under "Other Income",ST Payable,Edu Cess Payable & SHH Payable under "Current Liabilities".
Now when Mr X settles his payment,you just give a credit to Mr.X's A/c.Ok