About return file

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05 March 2014 my brother is opened his bank account before six month and now he wants to return file for last three years for the purpose of obtaining loan
so is it possible to file return without having of bank acconunt

05 March 2014 Hi Mohsin,

Yes it is possible to file return without having bank account.

However if return is filed online then bank details are to be filled in return, without bank details it can not be filed.

But since your brother has bank account now so there is no issue to file return online.

He can not file return of last three years, only last two years return can be filed (i.e. FY 2011-12 and 2012-13)

For your information, last date to file ITR of FY 2011-12 is 31.03.2014.


05 March 2014 tank you so much sir

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