tds on transportation

This query is : Resolved 

06 March 2018 Dear sir,

our company transported through cargo ship from Port Blair to Chennai , we have received the invoice for transportation of material amounted Rs.26,599/-.

My query is, any TDS will deduct on this invoice or not. and what is limit for TDS on Transportation & % ?

06 March 2018 Contract amount below specified limits
Amount of any single sum credited or paid doesn’t exceed Rs. 30,000
Aggregate amount of such sums credited or paid doesn’t exceed and doesn’t likely to exceeds Rs. 75,000 (Rs. 1 Lakh from financial year 2016-17)
Payment or credit to transporter for transportation
If recipient is a transport operator  and he furnishes PAN to the deductor then TDS is not to be deducted. Such deductors will be required to intimate these PAN details to the Income tax Department in the prescribed format. Transport operators who owns ten or less goods carriages at any time during the financial year is allowed such exemption. Transport operator has to furnish a declaration to this effect to the person paying him to get such exemption from deducting TDS.

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