Please confirm the tax liability on Income from Salary:
Mr. A worked in tax free zone of UAE for the period Jun-09 to Jun-12 as resident of UAE. He became resident of India in F/Y 2012-13 as per I.T. Act. There No tax liability in UAE. Please confirm the tax liability on the income from salary, which is accrues and arise outside India for the services rendered out side India amount of INR 1,000,000/- for the A/Y 2013-14.
22 July 2013
Clarify one thing, in P.Y. 2012-13 whether is a he is resident and ordinarily resident of india. If yes, then the income is taxable both within india and outside india.If he is resident but not ordinarily resident,his income accrue or arise outside india is not taxable.
In the above query, Mr. A is an Indian. He went outside India 1st time in Jun-2009 and came back on Jun-12 and till March-13 he was in India. Now, confirm whether Income of Apr-12 to Jun-12 will taxable in India or Not.
Please note Mr. A was working in UAE Tax Free Zone. There is No Tax on Income in UAE.