Neither any law nor listing agreement specify the number of times Share transfer and Grievance Commitee should meeet. Clause 49 of Listing Agreement states that share transfer should be attended to fortnightly.
In case the task of share transfer is delegated to an officer of the Company, it may happen that the said committee may not meet even once in a year.
So if the power of share transfer is delegated and transfer is given effect to by that authority within 15 days then committee may meet quarterly or at any other time interval as may be required.
Neither any law nor listing agreement specify the number of times Share transfer and Grievance Commitee should meeet. Clause 49 of Listing Agreement states that share transfer should be attended to fortnightly.
In case the task of share transfer is delegated to an officer of the Company, it may happen that the said committee may not meet even once in a year.
So if the power of share transfer is delegated and transfer is given effect to by that authority within 15 days then committee may meet quarterly or at any other time interval as may be required.