
This query is : Resolved 

11 July 2014 If a company's office location is to be changed within the limits of the same city, can it be done by passing a simple board resolution or does a resolution by circulation necessarily need to be passed?
(according to Companies Act 2013)

12 July 2014 If you want to change the registered office of the company, within the local limits of a city then this can be done by passing a board resolution.

Stepwise Procedure for Change in Registered Office of the Company
Where change is within same City/Town/Village

Send notice of BM as per section as per section 173 of the Act.

Hold board meeting for the purpose of:

a. Consider and approve the change of registered office.

b. Authorize director/manager/secretary to sign, make declaration and submit INC
22 with ROC.

c. Engage PCS/PCA to certify form INC 22.

3. Paint or affix its new add. of registered office as per section 12(3) of the Act.


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