New Registration scheme

This query is : Resolved 

19 June 2008 Is the new registration scheme of re-registration after 5 years for CA final applicable for students registered in 1994. How it will apply to such students

19 June 2008 IV. Final: At present, students register themselves for Final course and this registration is valid for indefinite period.

The registration for Final Course will be valid for a period of 5 years from the date of initial registration. Further, the registration will continue to be valid as long as the student continues to appear in either or both groups of the Final exam irrespective of the period involved which may be beyond five years. After expiry of the period of 5 years from the date the student initially registered himself/herself for Final course his registration will lapse except where such student has appeared in at least one of the last two examinations conducted just before the end of five years. The registration of such student shall however lapse in case he subsequently does not appear in two consecutive examinations.

A student whose registration gets lapsed will be eligible for re registration. Such students will be required to re-register himself/herself by paying a nominal revalidation fee of Rs.500/-. Such re-registration will again be valid for a period of 5 years or for the period so long the student continues to appear in the examination regularly whichever is later. After the expiry of 5 years from the date of re-registration the registration will again lapse. . The re- registration shall not lapse if such student has appeared in at least one of the last two examinations conducted just before the end of five years. The registration of such student shall however lapse in case he subsequently does not appear in two consecutive examinations.

Such student will again be eligible to revalidate his/her registration by re-registering himself/herself and paying the aforesaid revalidation fee of Rs.500/-.

There is no time limit for revalidation. The scheme of education in force at the time of revalidation shall be applicable to such students. Exemption(s) for group passed earlier or valid paper-wise exemption(s) would be governed by applicable Regulations at the relevant time. This process of re-registration / revalidation shall continue in the same manner till further amendments. Revalidation can be done at any time before the due date of filling of examination forms.

It is hereby clarified that the above decision does not alter or modify the existing Regulation or any other notification so far the otherwise eligibility or exemption of the students or any restriction/obligation on the student is concerned. The above scheme is meant to take off the records the data of such students who have got registered for any course and are not interested in pursuing the course further.

19 June 2008 The circular is not clear about my query . Is the applicability only after april 2008

29 August 2008 Not applicable to you.

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