27 July 2012
We are mfg of precast slab, beams etc. used in construction of buildings. Can we do job work for builders. where builder will supply raw materials and we will clear mfg goods without excise duty. Becasue builders is not liable for excise duty and since it is mfg activity no service tax is applicable. If we can clear goods without payment of excise duty and service tax, what are the procedure to be followed by us and builder.
28 July 2012
Thank you, Nileshkumar I have to querries 1) Wheater builder can claim SSI expemption upot Rs. 1.50 Crore. 2) If builder supply material and ask us to mfg slab and beams as per thier designe and size. Which can't be sold in open market or to other builder. Can we treat the products and non markatable and claim excise exemption.