Income tax (lta)

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21 November 2013 Hi ,
own vehicle use by employee is allowed for exemption for LTA ? If yes wat amount is eligible ? Is full amount of petrol bills can be exempt? Subject to maximum lta they get....

21 November 2013 Where the places of origin and destination are connected by rail and the journey has been performed using own vehicle then least of 2 will be exempt:-
1.AC 1st class rail fare by shortest route.
2. Actual amount spent

Hence full petrol bills can be claimed subject to above limit

25 November 2013 Thanks ..& suppose no train facility available then we can claim such petrol bills at full amount ?

31 July 2024 Under the Income Tax Act, Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) provides tax exemption for expenses incurred on travel while on leave, but it is subject to specific rules. Here’s how it applies to your queries:

### **1. Use of Own Vehicle for LTA:**

- **Own Vehicle Use:** Generally, LTA exemptions are provided for travel expenses incurred for trips within India. This typically covers travel by air, rail, or road (including taxis). However, using your own vehicle for LTA is allowed if it falls under road travel.
- **Eligibility for Exemption:** If you use your own vehicle, you can claim LTA exemption for the cost of travel based on the standard fares of similar public transport services. The actual expenses incurred on petrol and other vehicle maintenance cannot be claimed in full but must be within the limits set by LTA regulations.
- **Claim Amount:** The amount eligible for exemption will be the cost equivalent to travel by the shortest route in a public transport. For example, if you use your car instead of a train, the LTA exemption will be based on the train fare for the journey.

### **2. Full Amount of Petrol Bills:**

- **Not Fully Exempt:** You cannot claim the entire amount of petrol bills for LTA exemption. The exemption is limited to the amount that would have been incurred had you used public transport. Thus, the exemption is restricted to the equivalent fare of a similar journey by public transport.
- **Mileage Claims:** The Income Tax Act does not specify an exact amount for the exemption on personal vehicle usage but emphasizes that only the equivalent public transport fare can be claimed.

### **3. No Train Facility Available:**

- **Alternative Travel:** If no train facility is available and you have to travel by road or air, you can claim LTA based on the actual cost of travel or the equivalent cost of a similar journey by road or air (if applicable). Ensure that you keep proper documentation of the journey and expenses incurred.

### **How to Claim LTA:**

1. **Documentation:** Maintain all relevant travel documents, such as tickets, invoices, or bills, to substantiate the claim.
2. **Claim Limit:** Ensure that your LTA claim does not exceed the maximum limit specified by your employer or the tax laws.
3. **Employer Policy:** Check with your employer for specific policies regarding LTA claims, as some companies have additional rules or limits.

### **In Summary:**

- **Own Vehicle Usage:** Allowed, but only the equivalent public transport fare can be exempted.
- **Petrol Bills:** Full petrol bills are not exempt. Exemption is based on public transport equivalent.
- **No Train Facility:** You can claim based on actual travel costs or equivalent public transport fare, provided proper documentation is maintained.

For detailed and personalized advice, especially if you have complex scenarios or need precise calculations, consulting a tax professional is advisable.

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