Forgot paasword

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23 September 2015 Sir, how to reset income tax paasword.. Please help so that i can do my return file.

23 September 2015 You can reset password through forget password option. Following options are there: 1) Answer Secret Question 2) Upload Digital Signature Certificate 3) Acknowledgement No and Bank Account No 4) Using OTP (PINs) 5) Login through your net banking account.

23 September 2015 This kind of issues were very common and many e-filers were facing such difficulties. To overcome this IT Department has added new option under forgot password. It is OTP. It will send the OTP to your registered email id and mobile no. Now if you dont know mobile no even then you can reset your password by giving new mobile no and new email id and for this you only need to mention any of the following details:

1) TAN of deductor who has deducted TDS from you.
2) Saving Bank A/c No.
3) BSR Code, Challaan date and CIN no of any challan deposited towards payment of Tax during AY 14-15 or AY 13-14. You can get this by paying a small amount of Tax, say Rs 10 using ITNS280.

So try this new facility and reset your Password.

23 September 2015 Thanks alot sir

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