17 December 2013
Specimen of notice to move a resolution for removal of a director To The Company Secretary ABC Limited Dear Sir, I/We, the undersigned member(s) of ABC Ltd., give notice pursuant to the provisions of section 284(2) read with section 190 of the Companies Act, 1956 that I/we intend to move at the forthcoming annual general meeting/extraordinary general meeting of the Company an ordinary resolution that Mr. XYZ be removed from the office of director of the Company.
17 December 2013
Specimen of intimation letter to be given by a company to the concerned director To Mr. XYZ Director of ABC Limited Dear Sir, I enclose a copy of the notice, which has been received by the Company from its member(s). As appears from the notice, a resolution is to be proposed at the next AGM/EGM of the Company for removal, pursuant to the provisions of section 284 of the Companies Act, 1956. Your attention is drawn to the provisions of sub-section (4) of section 284 [copy enclosed for reference]. In case you intend to make representations against the resolution for your removal, I request you to send the representations so as to reach us by XX.XX.XXXX, so that it may be circulated to the members of the Company. In the event, the representations are not received by the aforesaid date, the same may be read out at the meeting. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of letter for our reference and record.
17 December 2013
Specimen of representation letter by concerned director To The Company Secretary ABC Ltd. Dear Sir, With reference to your letter No. XXXX and dated XX.XX.XXXX, I hereby enclose my representation with respect to the intended resolution to be moved at the next AGM/EGM of the company for my removal from office as a director of the Company. I request you to give notification of the representations to all the members of the company in accordance with the provisions of section 284(4) of the Companies Act, 1956.
17 December 2013
Specimen of notice of resolution to be given to all the members
NOTICE is hereby given that an EGM of the company will be held on day, XX.XX.XXXX, at 11.00 A.M. at the registered office of the Company situated at 4th Floor, Silver Ark Plaza, 20/1, New Palasiya, Indore (M.P.) to transact the following business:— 1. To consider and, if thought fit, to pass, with or without modifications, the following resolution as an ordinary resolution, in respect of which a special notice has been received by the Company from a member(s) pursuant to section 284 read with section 190 of the Companies Act, 1956: RESOLVED THAT Mr. XYZ be and is hereby removed from the office of director of the Company with effect from the conclusion of this meeting. A written representation with respect to the resolution set out above for the removal of Mr. XYZ as a director have been received from Mr. XYZ in accordance with the provisions of section 284(4) of the Companies Act, 1956. A copy of the representations is enclosed to this notice. By order of the Board of Directors Date. XX.XX.XXXX MNO Place. Indore (M.P.) Company Secretary