18 April 2012
For appointing any person as a director in a PVT LTD Company, obtaining written consent from that person regarding appointing him/her, as a director in that company is necessary or not necessary?
For appointing any person as a director in PUBLIC LTD Company, obtaining written consent from that person regarding appointing him/her, as a director in that company is necessary or not necessary?
18 April 2012
Please check Section 264 of the Companies Act, 1956 in this regard.
Every person proposed as a candidate for the office of a director shall sign, and file with the company, his consent in writing to act as a director.
This section does not apply to a private company unless it is a subsidiary of a public company, but for safeguarding the interest of concerned parties and as a matter of better corporate governance even pvt companies obtain the consent letter from the directors.