These are the terms used under MCA portal showing your filed documents status with ROC.
1. Pending for Action means your document are held for assigned. This is the first stage of your document laying with ROC. 2. Assigned means your filed documents is assigned to ROC executive for further action on your document. 3. WIP means after assigning the document to the ROC executive, the action is pending at executive level. when the executive take action on it the portal shown the current status, either "approved" or "re-submission".
Why ROC People take this much f time to approve Name and other documents? how can we over come this problem? some clients went to other professionals because they feel that we are unable person to do that work early
Its happen, only on weekend, when you file Forms with ROC. Generally the ROC not take more time in case of Company registration.
Don't worry, every client have different opinion, so do your work as you think and try to personal visit to ROC also to approve the name fast as client demand.