03 October 2017
Mr. A had a residential house gifted from uncle in the previous year 2010-11, The Fair market value of which as on 1.4.81 was Rs. 2,70,000. The property purchased by the uncle in 1973 for Rs. 70000, In the year 2015-16 further construction and improvements costed Rs. 25,00,000.00, On 04.07.2017 the house was sold for Rs. 48,00,000.00. Calculate Taxable Income For F.Y. 2015-16 and F.Y. 2016-17
12 October 2017
Construction completed in FY 2015-16 means old property was replaced by newly constructed one? If yes, then you need to calculate short term capital gains for the building and long term capital gains for the land