C.a final

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28 October 2013 hi experts if u hv eyes on ca final nov13 date sheet plz give advice regarding technique of revision especilay 2nd group during exam time n how to cope up if any paper not goes upto mark

29 October 2013 At this time do not do much new things.Focus only on what you have prepared uptill now.As far as revision is concerned ,it would be better if you keep on revising the key points of every topic from the book that you have followed along with RTP and practice manual.Do not leave rtp for last moment.

Further,if you do not have short notes of important topics,then just highlight or mark them and a day before exam focus only on those points.
Follow only positive approach,do not let any negative thought to uselessly consume your time and efforts.focus on current paper only.give one exam and forget it completely ,no matter how good or bad it went.Even if exam doesn't go as expected ,then also give remaining papers.in no case drop your attempt.
All the best

29 October 2013 I agree with Expert suggestion.....

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