Board Resolution

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18 February 2021 Board resolution format for KYC updation in bank

06 July 2024 To draft a Board Resolution for KYC updation in a bank, you can follow a structured format that addresses the key points clearly. Here’s a suggested template:


**Board Resolution**

**Subject: Approval for KYC Updation with [Name of Bank]**

**Date: [Insert Date]**

[Name of the Director 1], Chairman
[Name of the Director 2]
[Name of the Director 3]
[Name of the Director 4]
[Name of the Director 5]

The Board of Directors of [Company Name], in a meeting held on [Date], considering the need to update Know Your Customer (KYC) details with [Name of Bank], resolves as follows:


1. [Company Name] maintains banking relationships with [Name of Bank] for its financial transactions.

2. [Describe briefly why KYC updation is necessary, such as regulatory requirements, policy updates, etc.].


1. The Board approves and authorizes the management of [Company Name], represented by [Name and Title of Authorized Person], to initiate and complete the KYC updation process with [Name of Bank] for all accounts and transactions of the Company.

2. The Board further authorizes [Name and Title of Authorized Person] to provide all necessary documentation, information, and forms required by [Name of Bank] to complete the KYC updation process.

3. The resolutions passed herein shall be communicated to [Name of Bank] by [Name and Title of Authorized Person].

**Further Resolved:**

The Board directs the Company Secretary to ensure compliance with all statutory and regulatory requirements related to the dissemination and filing of this resolution.

**Certified True Copy:**

This resolution is certified true and correct as passed at the Board Meeting held on [Date].

For [Company Name]:

[Signature of Chairman/Authorized Director]
[Name of Chairman/Authorized Director]


- Customize the resolution as per the specific requirements and policies of your company and the bank.
- Ensure all factual statements are accurate and supported by documented evidence.
- Include any additional clauses or directives relevant to your company’s situation and compliance requirements.

This template provides a framework to authorize and document the Board’s approval for KYC updation with a specific bank.

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