25 June 2011
plz suggest the best book available in the market for Accounting standards providing the theoritical portion along with illustrations dealing with each AS properly and in simple language.Thanks in advance its Very Urgent
26 June 2011
D S Rawat's Book is precise and deals with each of the accounting standard with 9-10 practical questions at the end of each chapter. It also categorically differentiate the IFRS and IAS. I am not satisfied with the manner in which the theory portion has been covered. This can be compensated with the Study Modules provided by ICAI.
27 June 2011
Please do not confuse the Ragini. Dear Ragini please buy a book wrote by sanjay singhal, Bharat's publications. I refer this because the language used id very simple and clear and there are lot of examples after every standard. I know lot of people refering to this book and they are very comfortable in AS.
27 June 2011
We have given many suggestions. Now, let the author go to some library and refer these books and let her select the book which gives her clarity about the subject matter