we participated exbition of our product. we deducted TDS 2% contract. but we have to deduct 10% tds under rent 194-I. We deducted wrong head tds and deposited to dept. how to recified and any correction. plz share
03 April 2014
The assessee can make a request for correction to his or her assessing officer, who is authorized under the departmental OLTAS application to make such correction in challan data in bonafide cases, to enable credit of the taxes paid, to the concerned assessee. Format is as below:
Format of application to bank for challan correction to be requested by the taxpayer To The Branch Manager, --------------------------- (Address of Branch) Taxpayer Details : Taxpayer Name : Taxpayer Address : Taxpayer TAN/PAN : Name of Authorized Signatory : (in case of non-individual taxpayer) Sub : Request for Correction in Challan No: 280/281/282/283 [Strike out which ever is not applicable] Sir/Madam, I request you to make corrections in the challan data as per following details : Challan Details: BSR Code Challan Tender Date (Cash/Cheque Deposit Date) Challan Sl. No. Sl. No. Fields in which correction required Please Tick Original Details Modified Details 1. TAN/PAN (10 digit) 2. Assessment Year (YYYY) 3. Major Head code (4 digit) 4. Minor Head code (3 digit) 5. Nature of Payment (3 digit) 6. Total Amount (13 digit) Note: Please tick against the relevant fields where changes are required. Tax payer/Authorized Signatory Date Note: 1. Attach copy of original challan counterfoil. 2. In case of correction to challan 280, 282, 283 attach copy of PAN card. 3. In case of a non-individual tax payer, attach the original authorization with seal of the non-individual tax-payer. 4. The request form for correction is to be submitted in duplicate to the bank branch. 5. A separate request form is to be submitted for each challan