I have a some doubts regarding the works contract. one of my client need TIN No so is it possible or not pls clarify it. His bussiness details are fallow.
He is elecrtical contractor for all govt and non govt projects in this he is not going to purchase any materils by his hand. The people where he works they only purchase the material and give to him and they are asking him a TIN No while he preparing bills so can i register him as Karnataka VAt Act and provide him as a TIN No.
And i have one more doubt regarding that how to calculate the tax on this type of bussiness pls explain with small example..
Thanks a Lot in Advance to my lovely replied experts...
07 October 2012
Where only labor/job work is done and no own material is used, there is no transfer of property, there is no sale/deemed sale by contractor, under the circumstances he is not under obligation to hold TIN.