Advise me as to what is the difference between the winding up of the company and striking the name of the company from the register of the companies. will striking the name of the company amounts to winding up of the company .. if yes what is the procedure for striking the name of the company ?
12 June 2016
under winding of the company, liquidators have the full power of all the affairs of the company. he may pay realize all the assets and pay of all liabilities. whereas striking off is the process , where registrar is satisfied that company is dormant company and on being satisfied strike off the name of the company Procedure Any defunct company desirous of getting its name srtike off from the Registrar shall make the application in Form FTE ALONG WITH FEES OF RS.5000 The company shall disclose pending litigations if any while applying under FTE IF THE PENDING PROSECUTIONS IS REGARDING NON FILING OF balnce sheet and annual return, then application shall be accepted, provided applicant has already filed compounding application Form FTE shall be annexed by affidavit as annexure A Form FTE shall be accompained by indeminity bond as annexure B cOMPANY SHALL ALSO FILE STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS AS aNNEXURE C