31 January 2011
Recently in 2008; we have experienced that more than 200 banks have failed in US due to failure of Cash Management.
People of US could not pay their loans as they invested more money in properties and used more cash on credit cards without maintaining their day-to-day requirement of cash.
In business also; majority of current assets may be blocked into stocks and debtors.
In these situations; the business enterprise may find acute difficulties to pay its current liabilities in time which is very important to run the business efficiently.
If term loans have been taken from financial institutions; then it would lead to non-payment of instalment and interest if proper cash is not available with the firm.
The result of above may turn down to NPA ( Non-performing Asset ) for the bank which ultimately take action against the borrower.
Now-a-days; banks are entitled to sell off the properties without interference of the courts.
So it may be concluded that if firm is unable to manage its day to day cash requirements; then it may lead to closure of the business.