07 May 2011
Dear friends I have to register a company with a foreigner(UK) and an Indian as the promoters. Now the Indian is working in UK and I can get the document (MOA, AOA, etc) signed from UK. But while filling Form No.1, I am not able to give separate data for permanent/present residential address. . Is there any way by which I can fill the data. Or I have to update the data present/permanent residential address in DIN-4. What could be the proof of address in respect of a person whose present address is UK. Whether the signature in the Declaration annexed with DIN-4 or DIN-1 need be in made in the presence of a professional. Please clarify. An early reply in this regard will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
09 May 2011
Dear Santhosh,
If you couldn't Identify Present Residential Address of the person applying for DIN, then on temporary basis file DIN 1, stating the permanent address as Present address. Once you discover that present address,File DIN 4...