14 January 2014
1. How many Minimum members are required? 2. Amount of stamp duty ? 3. Dear sir i want to register a trust for operating a school, while am able to make trust deed, but to registration purpose where i should reach Court or any other place? 4. if any other information is required to me please suggest me.
INCOME TAX EXEMPTION FOR TRUST *************************** Under section 11(1)(a) to (c), income derived from property held under trust is exempt if the following conditions are satisfied:
a) The property should be held under trust wholly for charitable or religious purposes. b) Income from such property should be applied to charitable or religious purposes. (Exemption is available to the extent of such application) c) Income should be applied in India d) At least 85% of the income derived from property held under trust, should be applied to charitable or religious purposes in the relevant previous year in order to claim full tax exemption