Tax deductable but not deducted in Q4 of FY 2010-11, however same is deducted and remitted in Q3 of FY 2011-12. My doubt is which quarterly return should include this TDS?
ie., should i revise Q4 return or should i include this in Q3 return?
Will the answer be the same if Tax deducted in Q4 and not remitted but remitted in Q3 of next year.?
06 February 2012
TDS return is representing only the TDS deducted and paid for the particular quarter with reference to challan details, in your query actual TDS deductible during 2010-11 Q4 but not deducted and not paid also. actually deducted and paid during Q3 of 2011-12. Need to show in 2011-12 Q3 only.
Incase you are deducted in Q4 itself. answer will be differ, you need to show in Q4 itself, even paid in q3 of next year also.