06 July 2012
i am a individual and my turnover is Rs.2,00,000/- and engaged in retail business. for the current year the loss is Rs.29,000/- shall tax audit will be applicable to me U/S 44 AB?
06 July 2012
tax audit wont apply as its less than the basic exmeption limit,say 8 percent of receipts is 16000 so no needs to maintain books of accounts
Querist :
Querist :
06 July 2012
Suppose my turnover is 38 lakhs in which case tax audit will not apply and my loss is 29000 which is less than the presumptive profit of 8%. Can I file a loss return without tax audit but with proper books of accounts?
06 July 2012
hi ,listen take 8 percent of turnover not your profit or loss dude,so 8 percent comes to 304000 ,then your liable to maintain books of account,if you want to escape then declare more than 8 percent,profit and loss has nothing to do with section 44ad,however its difficult to undersntd why do u want to opt 44ad,when you have loss ,go by normal provisions nad file return ,no need to maintain books of account
06 July 2012
hi ,listen take 8 percent of turnover not your profit or loss dude,so 8 percent comes to 304000 ,then your liable to maintain books of account,if you want to escape then declare more than 8 percent,profit and loss has nothing to do with section 44ad,however its difficult to undersntd why do u want to opt 44ad,when you have loss ,go by normal provisions nad file return ,no need to maintain books of account
06 July 2012
anyways u need not get books of acocunt audited,as your taxable income is less than 180000,so u cn opt 44ad,file loss reutnr ,but u must maintain books of account