We are manufacture of Excisable Goods.When we purchase the goods,as it reaches our factory it is weighed in our weighing scale.It is found that quantity as shown in the invoice and as per our weighment there is shortage of material.
Please clarify the options available;
1.Do we need to reverse the cenvat credit on the basis of our weighment slip as the supplier would not be giving any document for the shortage. 2.whether the shortage can be recovered from the transporter.What are the implications in Excise if the same is recovered from the transporter.Do we neet to raise Debit Note to the transporter mentioning the quantity shortage.
Please suggest any other option.
3.If any other options are available,please suggest.
13 January 2010
You should take credit in respect to the material received, proportionately. You can recover the shortage from the supplier or transporter, excise has nothing to do with it.