15 January 2010
well assuming that only one share certificate has been issued for 900000 shares then in that case you have to split up the certificate in 2 new share certificate i.e. one for 8,00,000 shares on the name of tranferee and second for 1,00,000 shares on the name of tranferor, so second option is possible.
Board Resolution:
The Chairman informed the Board that request was received from one of the shareholders of the Company for Split of Share Certificate. The matter was discussed and following resolution was passed in this connection:
“RESOLVED THAT Share Certificate No. ....in the name of Mr. ...........bearing Distinctive No. ......... To ....... aggregate of .......... shares be and is hereby split into ........ certificates as follows:
Folio No.,Share Certificate No., Name of Shareholders, No. of Equity Shares, Distinctive No.’s ...................................................................
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the old share certificate be and is hereby cancelled and new share certificates as detailed above be and is hereby issued, signed by any two directors and Authorized Signatory under the Common Seal of the company in conformity with Articles of Association of the Company.â€
15 January 2010
As per my suggestion go for split of share certificate system. To understand how to exeute split of share certificate download sample share transfer minutes from the link below: