21 August 2018
Draft Special Resolution “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 66(1) and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013, article ............... of articles of association of the company and subject to confirmation by the National Company Law Tribunal ("NCLT") at .......... and subject to such other approvals, consents, permissions or sanctions of any other authority, body or institution (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the concerned authorities”) as may be required, and subject to such other conditions or guidelines, if any, as may be prescribed or stipulated by any of the concerned authorities, from time to time, while granting such approvals, consents, permissions or sanctions, the subscribed, issued and paid up equity share capital of the company be reduced from Rs.__________________ (Rupees ___________) divided into _____________ (______________) equity shares of Rs.10 each to Rs.______________________ (Rupees _____________________) divided into ___________ (______________) equity shares of Rs._____ each, and the surplus amount, i.e., Rs.____________________ (Rupees _____________________________), being in excess of the wants of the company be paid to the shareholders.”