Service tax on ocean freight

23 December 2011 Dear sir/s,
1.who is liable to pay service tax in case of ocean freight?
2. Is it payable under reverse charge method by service receiver?
3. Please mention notification, circular or case law in this regard for reference?
4.Is ocean freight attracts TDS or Not?

Please reply early
Thanks in Advance

24 December 2011 1. Please check whether your case is covered under Notification No. 17/96-Service Tax dt. 6/6/1997.

25 December 2011 Dear sir
it is covered in this notification, but sir the service provider is not charging any service tax on its invoice.
In invoice, the amount is showing under not taxable column.
so plz clarify me sir, Is it taxable or not?

26 December 2011 Dear chakrapani sir,
Plz clarify my doubt.........

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