We are the manufacturer of wind mill parts(wind operated electricity generator) in the time of machining of parts whether service tax is applicable or not.
please give any notification for exemption for service tax.
22 January 2012
Your query is contrary to your facts, as no service tax is leviable on manufacturing activities. Manufacturing activities are subject to excise duty.
But if your question is that in process of wind mill manufacturing, if availed any taxable service. Whether you are exempted from the payment of service tax then answer would be given accordingly. Please clarify.
Querist :
Querist :
23 January 2012
what the matter is we are manufacturing the parts of wind mill and the materials are sent to job workers. in this reg. their central excise range officers told to them service tax is levyable for your machining of parts of wind mill(exempted goods Nt 6/2006 C.E) I want to know whether service tax is applicable or not. pls ref any service tax notification.