08 April 2009
penalty is Rs.200/- per day or 2% per month of service tax liability, whichever is higher, but it shall not exceed the service tax amount. last date for deposit for service tax for the quarter/month ended 31/3/09 was 31/3/2009.
10 April 2009
Can u pls calculate the penality of service tax and show the calculation to me.......
if the service tax payable is 95250, for last quarter ended 31/03/2009 and we will deposit it by 20/04/2009 what is the excat amount of penality ???????????
14 April 2009
penalty Rs.200/- per day or 2% per month of service tax liability, whichever is higher, but it shall not exceed the service tax amount. last date for deposit for service tax for the quarter/month ended 31/3/09 was 31/3/2009.