11 July 2013
Can a Company pass a "one time resolution" authorising Director/any other person to represent Company to attend for all the General Meetings of the Company or such BR is required for each General meeting.
Draft Resolution: “RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of section 187 of the Companies Act, 1956, Mr. _____________, Director /Authorised Representative of the Company be and is hereby authorized to act as the representative of the Company, at all the General Meetings and Annual General Meeting of the members to be held by _______________________ LIMITED, Mumbai of which the Company is a member.”
"RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the said authority given to the Director/Authorised Representative shall remain in force till another resolution superceding the same is given to (Name of the Company)."
“RESOLVED FURTHER that a copy of the resolution duly certified be sent to _______________________, Mumbai.”