08 October 2009
1) my question is when it shall be treated as waste and when removal as such while preparation of ER 1 when aur intermediate goods have been sold when the input has been sold when capital goods have been sold when material sent on job work and on non receipt of material within 180 days duty has been paid by raising excise invoice
2)what are the different treatments if we choose for one or the other
3)whether intermediate goods which are captively consumed shall be shown as a separate item in the ER 6 return
4) when the goods sent under job work and duty has been paid on it. At the time when said material is received whether capital goods entitle for 100% credit or 50%
I shall be thankful if someone will quote releavant sections ar rules or notifiacations supporting to the reply
10 October 2009
Law does not define everything. Law prescribes few things, which needs to be done. Where law is silent you are entitled to develop your own procedure without breaking any provision.