I applied for a Pan card of 3 AOP with karvy consultants. The address and date of incorporation were same. the names were almost similar, but the last letter which was important, separated their identity. say "ABCD - A", "ABCD - B", "ABCD - C".
Here the previous letter were same, but the last letter were different. Now due to some error in the PAN allotment system, the pan number of "ABCD - A" and "ABCD - B" came as same. But when we check the pan data in income tax dept records, they say the pan number actually belongs to "ABCD - B" and name of "ABCD - A" is no where shown.
When we contacted Karvy, they said to contact NSDL, NSDL people said to contact jurisdictional Assessing Officer.
Kindly help and tell me what should be done in this case.?
27 August 2012
Check names on ack. of PAN applications submitted. Alternatively submit application for correction in name of ABCE-A by little change in address with PAN allotted, give details in reply to defect memo received, if any with copies of acks. of both AOP.