19 August 2008
The amount appearing under MISC expenses are normally the expenses incurred on establishing the company such as formation expenses etc,which would be capitalised under preliminery expenses. such expenses would be amortised over a period of 10 years
Amortisation means writting off such expenses equally over a determined number of financial years.
Misc expenses to the extent not written off means the amount of balance of such misc expenses in a given financial year .
For eg; year 05-06 - Misc. Exps 100 writtenoff 10
Balance 90
Here Rs.90 is the amount you have referred to as the expenses to the extent not written off
21 August 2008
I am a account teacher, you can come online, for this should have mic and headphone, I will provide digital white board. It is looking as vartual classess. reply on jaygulani@yahoo.co.in