Four persons, who are members of the company are present in a general meeting.out of the four members. One of them is also a representative of a company. Whether his presence can counted for a quorum???
I know he will be equal to 2 Members. I want a proper justification for my Act or Ramaiya Commentary or anything valid proof.
26 September 2012
Sec 174(1) Unless the articles of the company provide for a larger number, five members personally present in the case of public company (other than a public company which has become such by virtue of section 43A), and two members personally present in the case of any other company,shall be the quorum for a meeting of the company.
It seems that in public company there should be 5 members "personally" present, is called quorum. Here personally may be interpreted to mean physically, hence a company can't be present "personally". Hence in above case, quorum is not present