24 October 2009
In a Project Execution scenario,while making exempted 6(2) Sales(Sale-in-transit under CST Act),we supply goods to the customer by transfer of documents.Physcial movement as well as transfer of documents completed but invoicing to the customer deferred by a few weeks.
Cannot we declare the Purchases & ask for Form C from the Authority ?
25 October 2009
yes your delevery challan and G.R. is is aunthicated paper on this behalf you can issue invoice and in purchase bill challan reference and date is required.
Can you plz.further clarify as to what is the provision of Rajasthan VAT/CST Rule with regard to declaration of such Purchases(made against Sale-in-transit) before we do the billing to the customer ?
Are such purchases needs to be declared (to the Authority) mandatorily only after the invoices raised ?
What IS the ideal time gap prescribed between such Purchases & Invoicing to the Customer(under CST / VAT )under the provision of Sec 6(2) under CST Act ?
Is it so that the authoirty will charge VAT on such invoicing only b.coz.it is not billed to the customer immediately ?
First check whether your CST registration certificate amended U/s 7(1) of CST Act,.After first ISS sales you must intimate and take amendment U/s 7(1) from the CTO. As per Act there is no specific time bound to issue sales bill. Officer may ask for resion for delay. But he could not disallow the exemption U/s 6(2) if form "C" and E-1/E-2 has been submitted along with proof of proper endorsement of the title of the goods. For further clarification you are free to contact me on 09425176510.
I need to be clarified further specifically w.r.t the following for Sale-in-transit in Rajasthan:
1.Whether in the Qtly periodical return in Rajasthan , is it mandatory to submit one-to-one sale-vis-a-vis-purchase data to the authority,or summarised data are adequate..
2.I am being told that the authority donot accept the Purchase data unless it is linked with corresponding Sales.Is it true ?
3.If Point No 2 is YES,when should one declare the purchases...if the answer is only after the invoicing is made...don't you think that there is a non-disclosure of purchases against which materials has already been imported inside the State.
4.Is there any margin% fixed for the cost vs.sales in case of sale-in-transit items...if the margin is disproportionately high or low ...has the authority any objection to this.
5.In case any equipments are sent thru Courrier to Rajasthan from anyother state..is it entitled for rejection only b.coz a courrier is non-negotiable.