20 May 2008
under sec 284 of the cos. act, a director may be removed by ordinary resolution before expiry of his /her term. special notice under sec 190 shall be required for proposing a resolution to remove .only a member of a company is authorised to give special notice, to be served on the co. atleast 14 days before the meeting at which it is proposed to be moved. then the company shall send a copy of the notice to the director concerned, who has a right to make a representation against his/her removal and such representation by the director shall be sent to every member of the co. when requested by the director to do so. the fact of such a representation being received by the company from the director shall also be stated in the notice calling for a shareholders meeting. in the shareholders meeting ,an ordinary resolution is passed for removal of the director.the vacancy may be filled up in the same meeting of shareholders.otherwise the vacancy may be filled as a casual vacancy by directors. nominee directors,and certain categories of directors cannot be removed under sec 284. after removal of director as aforesaid,file form 32 with copy of resolution. R.V.RAO